
20 May 2007

Mother's day

Mother’s day is a great and special day. I want to buy hank of carnations and give to my mother. I just only have hone in my mind. How is my lovely mother now? What is she doing now? Whether is very happy everyday or not? Many questions come out of my mind, so I get up very early to take my mobile phone and dial the home number button oh! It’s very sweet voice which I very miss and remember it forever is my mother’s voice.
When the line is get in touch, I say first sentence to my mother is “happy mother’s day”, while she say “happy! Happy! Happy! I have done much work by oneself and it’s also having a long time for me not hearing my baby’s voice”. At that time, my tear is come out of my eyes. Certainly, I have few to phone my mother. When I cut off the line, I ceaselessly think why I not often phone my mother? Why? Why I phone my mother with some help? May be the true reason only I know.
No matter that everything is change; my mother position which in my heart is not changed. She always is my good and loves me! She is a greater mother. She always misses her daughter and brother at first time. In addition, she do everything is good for us. So now I want to tell to my mother “happy mother’s day. I love you forever.” Please take care of you. Without you, I don’t have all things and happiness.


Mike Minzes said...

Mom's are great!!!

How was your May Day?

Kenji's housewife said...

Wow! This post was nicely written, jena! Good on ya!

Unknown said...

Hey Jena,
Hope the quakes didnt hurt your near and dear..

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

Anonymous said...

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